Emilio Esbardo Dieter Kosslick making an interview with the director of the Berlin International Film Festival
Emilio Esbardo started working as a journalist and a Photographer in 2009 by writing articles about the celebration of the twenty-years previous fall of the Wall, published by Il Quotidiano della Calabria.
Emilio Esbardo has founded in 2012 il nuovo Berlinese a magazine about Berlin in Italian and in 2013 Esbardo Photo Press.
Since then he has contacted interviews with political and artistic personalities and has made photos of the most important people in the German capital and photo reportage about the most important evens and places of the city.
Examples of his work – Culture, Society, Politic
(The texts are in Italian but they are meant as a proof of his journalistic activity. In this articles he took almost all the photos. In Italy usually the author’s name is not written):
Dalla piccola Cirò alle riunioni con la Merkel (PDF)
Valensise, una vita per la diplomazia (PDF)
Nicoletti: dalla miseria all’alta finanza (PDF)
Lombardo: da cameriere a direttore della Olympic Airlines (PDF)
Il Muro venti anni fa (PDF)